The 10 most overrated actors in modern cinema (2025)

The 10 most overrated actors in modern cinema (1)

(Credit: Alamy/Far Out)

Film » Features

Calum Russell


Cinema is made up of a blend of creative individuals, from the producers and studio heads that fund a movie to the directors, writers, editors, gaffers, and best boy’s that actually get the film made. Few of these creatives actually get the credit they deserve, however, with the actors in front of the camera being applauded for creating any given masterpiece, even though the movies are the brainchild of many others.

Some actors are indeed worthy of the plaudits, with the likes of Leonardo DiCaprio, Robert De Niro and Lesley Manville often putting in a performance so good that, without them, the film wouldn’t look the same at all. Then again, there are others who you eternally question. How are you an actor? Why has no one found you out as a fraud yet? Could I be the only one who thinks you’re a bad actor?

It is such questions that have driven us to create this list of the ten most overrated actors in modern cinema, with the lineup of dishonourable names likely due to ruffle a substantial amount of feathers among loyal fanbases. Still, there’s no getting around the fact that some actors just aren’t up to scratch, with some stealing a living thanks to their dashing good looks, whilst others have simply ridden the sweet wave of luck.

So, with your pitchforks left firmly at the hardware store, take a look at our list of the ten most overrated actors of modern cinema below, and see if you agree with our picks.

The 10 most overrated actors in modern cinema:

Ben Affleck

The contemporary Hollywood star Ben Affleck is a better director than he is an actor. There, we said it. Winning two Oscars during his career, one for directing and the other for screenwriting, there’s a reason why Affleck has never been praised for his acting work. Failing to impress in over two decades under the industry spotlight, apart from perhaps in David Fincher’s Gone Girl, Affleck is a bland actor who plays the same gruff character in every movie he stars in.

The less said about his disastrous turn as Batman, the better. Compared to Christian Bale and Robert Pattinson, he fails to intimidate.

Jim Carrey

We like Jim Carrey as a comedian; after all, he helped to sculpt the Hollywood landscape in the 1990s thanks to his iconic roles in The Mask, Dumb and Dumber and more. The problem is that Carrey can only really do one kind of performance, shouting at the camera whilst contorting his face into peculiar shapes. There are exceptions to the rule, though these often result in some of the actor’s worst performances, *cough* The Number 23 *cough*.

We love The Truman Show and always will, with Carrey helping to make the 1998 release an utterly memorable one, but one great movie doesn’t make a sparkling filmography.

Henry Cavill

We’ve already spoken about a star of the DC superhero universe, with Ben Affleck being one of our least favourite actors ever to don Batman’s cape, but what about his fellow Justice League actor, Henry Cavill? Starring as the ‘Man of Steel’ throughout the comic-book movies, Cavill has consistently failed to impress, refusing to inject any kind of personality into the admittedly tricky role.

Still, in three movies (and one cameo), Cavill has yet to make us whoop with delight, and his roles in Mission: Impossible – Fallout, Enola Holmes and The Witcher haven’t helped either.

Tom Hanks

Yeah, we know this opinion is not an entirely popular one, but we have to get the message out there, Tom Hanks is a truly uninspiring actor. Whether he’s playing an elaborately dressed caricature of a true-to-life character, Tom Hanks plays Tom Hanks in each and every movie, refusing to change his performance style for over 40 years in the industry. Honestly, his characters in Catch Me If You Can, Bridge of Spies and The Green Mile may as well be the same person.

Make no mistake, as a human being, we like Tom Hanks, but as an actor, we just can’t see beyond the ‘Hanks’ mask.

Dwayne Johnson

He might be the highest-paid actor in contemporary cinema, but make no mistake, Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson has never given one ‘great’ performance. Wondering how he made it to the very top of the Hollywood hierarchy, we can only presume that the actor’s muscled physique and American candour made him the perfect actor to sculpt into a studio’s liking. He might not be a good actor, but he’s a great ‘movie star’.

To cut the friendly action hero a little bit of slack, we loved him in Fast & Furious 5, though thinking about it, he barely needed to act in that.

Jared Leto

The singer-turned-movie-star Jared Leto won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor in 2014 for Dallas Buyers Club, and ever since, he’s been an insufferable advocate of method acting. In David Ayer’s Suicide Squad, he tarnished the Joker character with one of the worst performances of Batman’s antagonist, and five years later, his Italian accent in Ridley Scott’s House of Gucci was just laughable.

Clearly capable of being a good actor, Leto has been in a creative rut for some time now. Maybe if he dropped the weight of his ego, then he might be able to provide an altogether more nuanced performance.

Gwyneth Paltrow

The American actor and infamous vagina-smelling-candle creator Gwyneth Paltrow is a household name in contemporary cinema, but ask someone to name her best performance, and they will most likely struggle. In the famously undeserving Best Picture winner Shakespeare in Love she gives a fairly average performance (despite the Academy Award for Best Leading Actor), and she’s failed to impress in pretty much every movie since.

Contemporary audiences will know her best as Pepper Potts in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but even in this fan-favourite franchise, she has failed to leave a considerable mark.

Chris Pratt

Speaking of the MCU, we don’t think much of Chris Pratt, who plays the lead man in Guardians of the Galaxy, Star-Lord. He’s OK as the lead character in the planet-hoping comedy-hybrid, but it doesn’t take much to play a sarcastic wise-cracker. Elsewhere, he failed to elevate the awful Jurassic World trilogy, offering nothing to the bland central character, and even when he’s providing voice performances, like in Pixar’s Onward, he’s not at all convincing.

Maybe he’ll redeem himself as Nintendo’s iconic plumber in the forthcoming release of The Super Mario Bros. Movie, though, then again, maybe not.

Eddie Redmayne

If you want whimsical British awkwardness, Eddie Redmayne is the actor for you, but if you want literally anything else, then you might want to look elsewhere. Disregarding the actual quality of the Fantastic Beasts movies, Redmayne is actually fairly good in the lead role, but his other performances throughout his filmography leave a little to be desired, even his Oscar-winning turn as professor Stephen Hawking in The Theory of Everything.

Time and time again, he merely gives the same whimsical performance. We like the talented actor, but he is wasting his potential.

Emma Watson

The Harry Potter star, who was just 11 when she starred in the first movie, The Philosopher’s Stone, got a little lucky when she was swept into the Hollywood world, with recent performances suggesting that she’s really not that great. Whilst her performances are charmingly passable throughout the Harry Potter series, once she left the fantasy franchise and took on supporting roles in such films as The Perks of Being a Wallflower, This is the End and Noah, her true acting colours began to seep through.

Despite this, much of her charm remains, giving a perfectly fine performance in Greta Gerwig’s Little Women.

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