1. Sonic the Hackable | Sonic Stuff Research Group
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Please refer to the SFGHQ page: https://sonicfangameshq.com/forums/showcase/sonic-the-hackable.186/

2. The Sonic Hacking Contest 2024 is Live | RetroRGB
2 okt 2024 · The Sonic Hacking Contest (or SHC) is a fan run event where a bunch of modders and ROM hackers submit what they've been working on to be voted on and judged ...
https://youtu.be/u6BucdQrnbk IT'S THAT TIME OF YEAR ONCE AGAIN!! The Sonic Hacking Contest is back for another year. In case you don't know, the Sonic Hacking Contest (or SHC) is a fan run event where a bunch of modders and ROM hackers submit what they've been working on to be voted on and jud

3. Hack - Sonic 2 for PC, 3DS, & Wii - Sonic Retro forum
24 nov 2017 · Hack Sonic 2 for PC, 3DS, & Wii. Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse ... For the audio to work, you'll need to dump your DSP.
Contest page copypaste: [spoiler] Screenshots: [spoiler] Old video from back when this had EHZ: [spoiler] I've been working on and off on a PC port...

4. Sonic the Hedgehog (16-bit)/Maps
6 feb 2021 · Hacking Info. Back. Hacking Info; Hacks · Community Hacking Guide · Programs. Fan Gaming. Back. Fan Gaming; Fan Games · Resources. Music. Back.
The following are Sonic the Hedgehog level maps. Click on a thumbnail to pull up a full view.
5. Sonic Pirate Hacks | BootlegGames Wiki - Fandom
A hack of Super Mario Bros. that changes most, if not all of the sprites to be based on Sonic the Hedgehog and removes the Mario logo. Some versions of the game ...
See AlsoEU to US Shoe Size CalculatorDue to the popularity of Sonic the Hedgehog in the 1990s and 2000s, many bootleg games based on the franchise, be they originally programmed or otherwise, would be released for various platforms. Despite this, only a handful of pirate hacks (i.e., unauthorized hacks of games that were intended to be commercially sold) based on the franchise are known to have been released. These games were pirate hacks that were released on original Famicom cartridges. Main article: Super Mario & Sonik 2 Super M

6. Sonic the Hedgehog Megamix | Everythingia Encyclopaedia Wiki
Sonic the Hedgehog Megamix (commonly shortened to Sonic Megamix or Sonic 1 Megamix) is a 2005 overhaul ROM hack of 1991's Sonic the Hedgehog for the Sega ...
Sonic the Hedgehog Megamix (commonly shortened to Sonic Megamix or Sonic 1 Megamix) is a 2005 overhaul ROM hack of 1991's Sonic the Hedgehog for the Sega Genesis, developed by Team Megamix; the game was first initially released on May 31, 2005, as part of the 2005 Sonic Hacking Contest, with updates in the following years. The game takes place 15 years after the events of the original Sonic the Hedgehog with Eggman back on South Island with a Chaos Emerald, with Sonic trying to stop him once aga

7. Stream Hack The Planet 491 on 5-4-24 by DJ Pfeif | Listen online for ...
Stream Hack The Planet 491 on 5-4-24 by DJ Pfeif on desktop and mobile ... DSP - Changing Lanes - Spearhead Recor… Show more ... Silent / Sonic Force Recordings.
Artist - Track Title - Label DJ Melinki and Demure - Distilled - DNB Source Subkey - Paracosm - Fokuz Recordings Azur - Suspect Course - Stoic Music X-Altera - Groundswell - BOPSIDE DSP - Changing Lan

8. Sonic 3D Printer Auto Bed Leveling Makes A Swoosh - Hackaday
18 jul 2016 · I hacked together a little noise injector board that would go between the 3D printer controller and the stepper driver. This little hack ...
3D Printering: the final frontier. These are the voyages of another 3D printer hack. Its mission: to explore strange new ways of leveling a print bed. So far, we’ve had servo probes, Allen key prob…

9. Anyone using a Sonic Core "Scope" DSP Audio Platform? - Gearspace
15 jan 2012 · Looks to be an audio interface/converter/DSP box. Going to check it at NAMM this weekend to see. But wondering if anyone here is using one.
Looks to be an audio interface/converter/DSP box. Going to check it at NAMM this weekend to see. But wondering if anyone here is using one. http://soni